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The "PSDinfo" community began its journey in 2018. Founded by a serviceman of one special unit of the Armed Forces. 

Initially, the idea and concept consisted in creating a single information base of knowledge, a variety of material on military topics. The main goal is to facilitate learning and save time searching for quality materials for those interested in thematic information. After all, such information is very important for raising the level of combat capability of military personnel.

Over time, the community became larger and transformed into a kind of hub, which began to unite people of similar spirit and motivation to be better. One of the most important directions is raising the prestige and popularization of the military cause among young people. To do this, we systematically publish training videos, share informative posts about the activities of the admin and community members.


The philosophy of "PSDinfo" is reflected in one phrase - "To be a professional". 

Army help

Since the start of the military campaign on February 24, the PSDinfo team has collected and handed over equipment worth more than a million hryvnias: first-aid kits, drones, medical equipment for hospitals, scopes, sleeping bags, and other equipment that was extremely important at the time. From the first days of the active phase of the war, we published generally important instructions for subscribers in the community Telegram channel: what to do, where to send information about the movement of occupation troops, current news. 


Since February 24, an active part of the PSDinfo team has been defending the country, destroying the occupiers on all fronts. All members of the community finished their contracts abroad and returned to defend the Motherland in the shortest possible time. 


The PSDinfo team periodically conducts fire drills and medical courses, both in the war zone for military personnel and for civilians in various cities.

After the end of the service, the community continued its existence and began to grow, finding like-minded people among the employees of various law enforcement agencies and even abroad. Throughout its existence, the project continued to develop and even went beyond the borders of the country: tickets, an airplane, the mountains of Afghanistan, the desert of Kuwait, the coast of Madagascar, the ports of African countries. The community began to unite more and more our people who work in the field of security outside the country, because we are all united by the spirit of adventure and romanticism of our military and military affairs. 


Our team has proven itself at a high professional level. We are always guided by basic principles: responsibility, competence, high level of professional skills when working with weapons. Every day we confirm by our own example that Ukrainians are the best in everything.


The desire to record certain important events from the life of the community realized itself in the created merch, namely the patches of ЕБОШ, Mandrui Strilyai Kohai and Work&Travel, behind each of which there is a story of life, failures and victories.
Today, the owners of our products are both military personnel and civilians. Clothes are associated with professionalism, the spirit of adventure, a sign of constant development and the absence of stagnation, because PSDinfo is "Being a professional".

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